Schaefer Piano Studio
805 Tinkerbell Rd
Chapel Hill, NC 27517
Phone: (919) 942-6536 ~ Please leave a message including your name and contact phone number. I have a digital answering machine you can leave me a
message anytime 24/7. I will return your call ASAP.
Do you have any questions, requests or suggestions? Simply fill out the attached form and I will get in touch with you. Please include your contact phone number and the best time to respond. Please no advertisements for services. This form is for potential client inquiries only.
Schaefer Piano Studio
Frances Heutte Schaefer
Teacher/Freelance Pianist
805 Tinkerbell Rd. Chapel Hill, NC 27517
Located in East Chapel Hill close to:
Studio/work phone: (919) 942-6536
I have a digital voicemail machine please leave a message anytime.
Please include your name and contact number with a brief message and I will get back to you ASAP!